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Do you feel like you’re on auto-pilot, getting the same disappointing results but can’t seem to change direction?
Do you ask yourself: “Is this all there is?”
Do you sometimes feel NOT in control of your life or who you are?
Learn how to take CONTROL of the part of you that is creating your life, who you are & is processing 24/7 – your
Subconscious Mind.
Dot will demystify the What, How, Why, & When of the Subconscious Mind process.
If you’re looking to:
- Increase Self-Esteem
- Release / Manage Stress
- Easily Achieve Goals
- Improve Health / Manage Pain
- Replace Bad Habits with Positive Auto-Pilot Programs
Then this life changing Beginner’s Guide Class will walk you through how to take control of your Subconscious Mind and become
The Boss of YOU!!
Register on-line under the Classes & Events tab at:
OR call the Self-Power Center at 781-784-7139
Space is limited so please register NOW!
See you on Saturday, May 19th at the Self-Power Center for a FUN Learning Experience
Contact Dot with questions or to request driving directions: – 781-784-7139
Just click on the registration ‘pay now’ button below & it will take you to the registration page where you can pay with PayPal or a credit card
Contact Dot with any questions either by email: or phone at 781-784-7139
Please forward this information on to anyone who wants to become The Boss of Their Life & Who They Are!
Much Good Health, Happiness, Love and Positive Energy, Always!
Love, Dot