Ready to Go Home

The purpose of this song is to bring peace and comfort to those individuals who are on their final journey back to their Creator. To allow them to release all regrets and embrace true peace. To look at their lives and remember the people, places, and occasions that were joyful. To truly accept and send forgiveness, especially to themselves. To take comfort in accepting that their lives had meaning. To feel the peace of knowing that their Creator is waiting with loving open arms to welcome them to their true home.
The words of the Song are on the inside cover of the Compact Disc
Journey of Light Meditation

Each time that you listen to this journey of light recording you will shine more light onto your path to enlightenment and peace.
We are all on a path to enlightenment and peace. This meditation will shine guiding light onto that path, so that you may see more clearly. As you encounter each ray of light, you will release all that is not for your highest good and be offered gifts of healing, strength and love.
Each time that you listen to this journey of light recording you will shine more light onto your path to enlightenment and peace.
Guiding Light to Your Journey – Always!
White Light Healing

This recording is about the Healing Energy of the Universe and how it is available to all of us. You will experience connecting to the White Light of this Universal energy and feel it as it flows through you and fills every fiber of your being with its peaceful power. Through visualization/guided imagery/meditation you will begin a miraculous process of self-healing. This recording offers healing on all levels, physical, mental, emotional and spiritual. It allows you to experience a healing session anytime.
The inside cover contains a Chakra chart listing the Number, Name, Location and Association for each Chakra.
You’re Not The Boss of ME!!

Do you feel like you’re on auto-pilot, getting the same disappointing results but can’t seem to change direction?
Do you ask yourself: “Is this all there is?”
Do you sometimes feel NOT in control of your life or who you are?
Want to take control of the part of you that is processing 24/7 and creating your life and who you are – your Subconscious Mind.
This Beginner’s Guide will demystify the What, How, Why, & When of the Subconscious Mind process.
It offers practical, easy-to-learn techniques to help you become the YOU that you truly want to be and bring Balance, Harmony, Good Health, and Success into your life.
If you’re looking to:
- Increase Self-Esteem Release
- Manage Stress Easily
- Achieve Goals
- Improve Health
- Manage Pain
- Replace Bad Habits with Positive Auto-Pilot Programs
I offer you this life-changing Beginner’s Guide to take control of your Subconscious Mind and become The Boss of YOU!!
Emotional CPR

You know that medical CPR is breathing life back into your body. Well, how would you like to breathe new life into your Spirit – the true YOU? That’s what Emotional CPR is about – breathing new life into how you feel about YOU!!! Learn how to deflect all those negative thoughts, feelings and perceptions that come at you each day. Take control of your perceptions of who you are and who you want to be. Don’t leave this precious decision to the world – you decide, you choose, you become the very best you that you can be by using Emotional CPR.
This easy-read book gives you permission and the Positive Phrases to “re-perceive” who you are and what you are doing so you bring Balance and Calm into your life each and every day.
Emotional CPR is a small book for BIG change.
Tuning Into Your Intuition – Introduction to Dowsing

We are all born with intuition, a 6th sense. But few of us use this wonderful, inherent gift to its full potential. This introductory Dowsing book teaches how to tap into and develop your intuition through dowsing with rods or a pendulum. Dowsing can be used for both practical and spiritual purposes: locate lost objects, scanning chakras and energy fields for healing, assist with decision making and problem solving.
This easy-read book defines:
- The steps to accessing the Intuition through Dowsing
- An Affirmation/Prayer to become focused and set the intent to dowse for the highest good
- How to select, hold and use the Pendulum
- How to hold and use the Dowsing Rods
- How to check the Energy Fields, their names and correct order
- How to check the Chakras, their names and where they are located in the body
- A Visualization process to heal and create balance for the entire being
- Tune Into Your Intuition through Dowsing and connect to the power that has all the answers that you require to live the happy, healthy, and fulfilling life that you deserve.